On a business visit to Tokyo, Japan, I visit various sites in Tokyo and give some feedback and review the location. In particular, I give 8 reasons to love Tokyo and 1 Reason to hate Tokyo. Overall, a splendid city with a lot of positives. Always a great place to visit! Thanks Tokyo! https://youtu.be/yfwNus9IONs
American Tsukemen Fail アメリカンツケメン失敗

I night out with Japanese business colleagues in Tokyo takes an interesting turn when I have difficulty eating Tsukemen in the proper Japanese manner. Somehow my antics were good for a few laughs with my Japanese hosts. Let’s just call it what it is: American Tsukemen Fail アメリカンツケメン失敗 Video Link: https://youtu.be/MDP_x0axSUk
Sushi-Go-Round Kaiten Sushi 東京での回転寿司

Watch as I experience Kaiten Sushi (Shushi-Go-Round) in Tokyo. Always and fun an delicious culinary experience in Japan! Video link: https://youtu.be/TevacLjsp8Y
My Tiny Tokyo Hotel Room 私の小さな東京ホテルの部屋

Take a look at My Tiny Tokyo Hotel Room – this room, located in central Tokyo, was absolutely puny in every way, but it did have one high-end feature waiting for me in the bathroom. Click to find out more: https://youtu.be/0dKI6V_rxTY